Dear Friends,

Kiersten is the kind of kid that lights up every room she walks into with her joy. She is a great big sister, and I am truly blessed to be her momma! Kiersten loves school and always does her very best. Even when it's hard her teachers all say the same thing and that is that she never gives up and isn't afraid of hard work! She is best friends with all of her teachers and is always getting awards for her kind heart and her perseverance. 


Kiersten has been a fighter since the day she was born. She was born very early, I always tell her she just couldn't wait to come into the world! Because of her early arrival she was at risk for developmental delay, and many other deficits, and although she does struggle in school and require special resources, she never stops fighting for her grades and to do well. With high school coming up the thought of her being missed in a huge, busy campus that can't offer the extra help she needs has led us to Brightmont Academy where we feel she will get the extra attention she needs, and she can take a breath and stop fighting so hard. Of course, a Private School education isn't without financial burden, and that is where Arizona Tuition Connection comes in! 

As you may know, Arizona offers several different tax credits. These credits are a great way to take control of how your funds are spent here in the state.

One of these tax credits is the private school tax credit. The way it works is that you can contribute to the private school tax credit program at any time between now and April 15th, 2024, and recommend those funds go to Brightmont Academy for Kiersten's tuition.

When you file for 2023, you will take the credit and reduce your Arizona state taxes by the amount you donated. Because it is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit, the net cost to you is zero. You simply have the option of paying your taxes to the state, or redirecting those funds to go to this program.

Would you consider participating?

If you have questions, this link will provide support, or you can call Arizona Tuition Connection at 480-409-4106; they're great to work with! Once you donate, a receipt will be provided for your tax advisor.

Feel free to call us if you would like to discuss it further!


Kiersten and Family


If you would like to make a tax credit donation, simply click the button above to be directed to a pre-filled donation form for Kiersten!

Maximum donation amounts by tax year:
2023 Tax Year:

$2,609 filing married jointly
$1,307 filing single

Frequently Asked Questions
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